jeudi 26 février 2015


La semaine dernière,j'ai eu un de mes meilleurs jours du mois,comment?
c'est simple:SHOOTING DAY! 
le lieu:un studio photo du London College of Fashion
la regle: exprimes toi en tant que styliste
le resultat:6h intensives d'amusement dans le professionalisme le plus total(je sais ça semble contradictoire dit comme ça mais c'est possible)
Durant cette journée seance photo,j'ai été à la fois modèle,styliste et assistante; quoi de plus fun?!
voici quelques photos de cette enthousiasmante experience.

Last week, I had one of my best days of the month, how?
it is simple: SHOOTING DAY!
place: a photo studio at London College of Fashion
the rule: express yourself as a stylist
the result: 6 intensive hours of  fun in the most total professionalism (I know it seems contradictory said like that but it is possible)
During this photo shoot day, I was at a time model, stylist and assistant; What could be more fun ?!
here are some pictures of this exciting experience.

Me as a model styled by my stylist partners of the day

My model of the day,Louise,styled by me(by the way,she's wearing a coat made by me)

Me as a model styled by myself ^_^

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